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Everyone, even people who are young and healthy, must stay home to slow the spread of COVID-19. You should:
- Stay at home and avoid all non-essential contact with others.
- Limit trips for groceries, gas and other essentials.
- If you must go out, stay at least 6 feet away from others at all times.
Select a tab below to reveal information:
On March 23, Gov. Jay Inslee issued a Stay Home — Stay Healthy order which will be effective for a minimum of two weeks. The order requires every Washingtonian to stay at home, except for people:
- Pursuing an essential activity, like shopping for groceries or going to a medical appointment. What’s opened and closed
- Getting takeout food. (Food deliveries also are permitted).
- Going to work at an essential business.
- Going outside for walks and exercise, as long as they keep 6 feet apart.
- What does it mean to stay home?
On March 28, Public Health's Health Officer, Dr. Jeff Duchin, issued a Quarantine Directive and Isolation Order to protect the health of our community and prevent the spread of COVID-19:
- Quarantine Directive: Everyone with COVID-19 symptoms who has a test result pending shall remain in quarantine while waiting for the test results.
- Isolation Order: Every who has tested positive for COVID-19 shall remain in isolation until no longer infectious.
What to do if you are ill
If you are ill with fever and a cough or shortness of breath, stay home. If you are unsure of how to care for yourself or are concerned about your condition, call your health care provider for advice. If you feel you need to visit your doctor, call them first. Keep yourself separated from other people and animals in your home. Cover your coughs and sneezes and wash your hands often.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance for steps to take if you are sick with COVID-19 or think you may be infected with coronavirus
- Washington State Department of Health information on getting tested
- Washington State Department of Health information on what to do if you were potentially exposed to someone with confirmed COVID-19
You can also use the online Coronavirus Assessment Tool developed by Providence and Microsoft.
Important updates
COVID-19 Outbreak Summary Data Dashboard
See related press release:
Updates for March 28, 2020: New health officer order, COVID-19 support for shelters and people living homeless, and Public Health – Seattle & King County announces 249 new cases of COVID-19
Additional updates: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Washington State Dept. of Health
Questions on complying with state and local orders?
The public has been highly accepting of and cooperative with Public Health's actions that are intended to protect the community's health and well-being in King County. While the Stay at Home Order and the Local Directive and Order on Quarantine and Isolation are enforceable by law, King County will not be actively searching for violations. Our focus is on helping people understand the importance of social distancing, rather than citations.
If you have specific questions or reports related to this, please email coronavirus@kingcounty.gov
King County Novel Coronavirus Call Center
- If you are in King County and believe you were exposed to COVID-19—or if you're a healthcare provider with COVID-19 questions—contact our call center between 8 AM to 7 PM PST at 206-477-3977.
- For general questions about COVID-19 in Washington State, please call the Washington State Novel Coronavirus Call Center at 800-525-0127.
For older news releases, visit our 2020 News Release archive
- Information on COVID-19 for organizations housing older adults in the community
- New limits on large gatherings
- Public Health Insider Blogs about COVID-19
Pandemic preparedness tips, Q & As with our health officers and more.
- Common Questions about Coronavirus
- Anti-Stigma resources
Related links
- FAQs, Resources and Recommendations, WA Dept. of Health
- Blog: Public Health Connection, WA Dept. of Health
- What you should know about COVID-19, CDC
- Updated COVID-19 Child Care Recommendations
- Guidance for child care administrators: What to do when you have a positive COVID-19 case in your facility
- ለህጻናት መንከባከቢያ አስተዳዳሪዎች መመሪያ (Amharic)
- 托兒中心行政員的指南 (Chinese)
- Tilmaanta loogu talagalay Maamulayaasha Xanaanada Cunugga (Somali)
- Orientación para administradores de guarderías (Spanish)
- Hướng Dẫn Cho Nhân Viên Quản Lý Chăm Sóc Trẻ Em (Vietnamese)
- COVID-19 fact sheet for families (PDF)
- ስለ COVID 19 እውነት ገጾች ለቤተሰቦች (Amharic)
- 給家庭的COVID-19情況說明書 (Chinese)
- COVID-19 Xaashida Xaqiiqada ee Qoysaska (Somali)
- Hoja Informativa para Padres de Familia sobre COVID-19 (Spanish)
- Thông Tin Về COVID-19 Dành Cho Gia Đình (Vietnamese)
- Daily checklist for all child care facilities (PDF)
- ለህጻናት መንከባከቢያ አስተዳዳሪዎች የድርጊት ዝርዝር፡ COVID-19ን ለመከላከል እርምጃዎች (Amharic)
- 托兒中心行政員檢查列表:預防 COVID-19 的步驟 (Chinese)
- Liiska-hubinta ee maamulayaasha Xanaanada ilmaha: Talaabooyinka looga Hortago COVID-19 (Somali)
- Lista de verificación para administradores de guarderías: Pasos para prevenir COVID-19 (Spanish)
- Danh Sách Kiểm Tra Cho Người Quản Lý Trung Tâm Chăm Sóc Trẻ Em: Các Bước Ngăn Ngừa COVID-19 (Vietnamese)
- Guidelines for gatherings of children and youth while schools are closed
- New COVID-19 Public Health recommendations: How do these affect schools?
Related links
- School resources and recommendations, WA Dept. of Health
- Resources for K-12 Schools and Childcare Programs, CDC
- Guidance for food distribution
- Guidance for essential businesses
- 留在家裡 – 保持健康 必要業務的指南 (Chinese)
- Stay Home – Stay Healthy : 필수 사업체를 위한 지침 (Korean)
- Оставайтесь дома – будьте здоровы: Руководство для учреждений первой необходимости (Russian)
- Permanezca en casa – Permanezca Saludable: Orientación para los negocios esenciales (Spanish)
- Ở Nhà – Giữ Gìn Sức Khỏe: Hướng Dẫn Cho Các Doanh Nghiệp Thiết Yếu (Vietnamese)
- Guidance for grocery stores to minimize the spread of COVID-19
- Guidance documents for homeless service providers
- Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outreach Webinar for staff working with vulnerable communities
- Planning for a Coronavirus Pandemic: A guide for businesses and organizations:
- Planning for Community Based Organizations
- Recommendations to minimize the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in retail food establishments
- Pandemic Community Advisory Group
Public Health — Seattle & King County convened representatives from various community, business, and government sectors in King County who are working together to help slow the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) by accelerating the use of the recommended and required community mitigation strategies.
Related links
- Workplace recommendations, WA Dept. of Health
- Guidance for businesses and employers, CDC
For service providers:
If you have concerns of a case, cluster or outbreak in your facility, please report the case using this online form. (Examples include long-term care facilities, senior living communities, supportive or transitional housing, homeless shelters, healthcare settings.
Report COVID cases using an online form
- Guidance for PPE Conservation and Alternatives when PPE is Unavailable
- Healthy Advisories: Updates and interim guidance on outbreak of COVID-19
Related link:
Our translated Public Health Recommendations are frequently updated. Please check back regularly.
COVID-19 Public Health recommendations
Common questions about novel coronavirus
Signs to print and post
to help grocery stores, restaurants, childcares and event organizers communicate the steps they are taking to minimize risk of COVID-19